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2025 Spring Pickleball League in Van Nuys
- Location: Wolf & Bear Pickleball | Van Nuys, CA
- League Duration: March 31 - May 19
- Match Days: Mondays
- Match Times: 7:00 PM
- Match Format: Each match consists of 3 games, with each game played up to 11 points or within a 20-minute time limit, whichever comes first. Once either the point limit is reached or the time is up, a new match begins. This rotation ensures that every player on the team has their chance to shine and contribute to the team's success.
- Games are self-refereed
- Games will be played as doubles, rotating players each game to ensure everyone plays.No gender requirements.
- Games are played inside on dedicated Pickleball Courts
- Players must bring their own paddles.

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