the next fun thing


attend an event.
meet new people.
have a stellar time.


We had ideas of things we wanted to do. We searched online to find ideas similar to what we envisioned and found little to no options. So we decided to create the ideas we envisioned on our own.

As our event gatherings began to grow, we realized we unintentionally created a diverse community of friends. Having this community of people who want to get out and have fun allows us to continue to create  events that have benefits far after the event is over.


Have Fun

At the end of the day, we really just want to have fun. If you think of a fun idea that doesn’t exist in your neighborhood, let us know because we’ll put it together.

Form Friendships

This was an unintentional bonus for each activity we’ve created, and we love it because making friends as an adult is hard! We’ve found that we have some really stellar people who join our events and activities so it’s been really great to see friendships form by meeting like-minded people at each event.

Support the Community

We all want to help others in need, but sometimes finding the time or energy to do it is hard. This is why we strive to make it easy for you to give back. A portion of proceeds generated every month will be donated to a charity we love (they will change every month).


The Next Fun Thing is incredible! Every event has brought good people into my circle, and they do a great job of having different events to attend. They also assisted me with my first fundraiser inLA, and I still can't thank them enough!

I most recently participated in The Next Fun Thing's speed dating + matchmaking event, and I was pleasantly surprised with my matches! I appreciate the time they took to curate the matches, so I only met with compatible people in the room.

I love The Next Fun Thing because it allows me to partake in social activities that I don't have to plan for or invite others to. I'm glad I met a few cool peeps during the kickball season. What's even better is keeping in touch and hanging out after the season ends. Strangers no more!